Other Writing
I am nearing completion of a new novel, SWARM, another bioterror thriller about bioengineered bees and microdrones carrying deadly payloads.
In August 2017, my entry, “A Road Well Taken” won the essay contest for the League of Vermont Writers Into the Words summer workshop.
April 2020: My article, “Coronavirus, Pandemics, and the Food Supply”, was published in several Vermont newspapers. See, for example: Rutland Herald
In November 2020, my article “We Must Preserve the Liberal Arts” was published in several Vermont newspapers. See, for example, VTDigger
In November 2020, my blog, “NaNoWriMo: Should You Give it a Go?” was published by the League of Vermont Writers.
I have published the following books and book chapters about agroterrorism and agricultural biosecurity:
Parker, Henry S. 2002. Agricultural Bioterrorism: A Federal Strategy to Meet the Threat. Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University. 103 pp. http://permanent.access.gpo.gov/lps20331/McN65.pdf
Parker, H.S. 2013a. Biosecurity in the Food and Agricultural Industries, Chapter 8. In: Burnette, R. (Editor), Biosecurity: Understanding, Assessing, and Preventing the Threat. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. Pp. 129-154.
Parker, H.S. 2013b. U.S. Food Defense since 9/11: Public Sector Initiatives and Programs, Appendix 1. In: Burnette, R. (Editor), Biosecurity: Understanding, Assessing, and Preventing the Threat. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. Pp. 271-287.
Parker, Henry and Janet Marroquin. 2020. U.S. Federal Policies and Programs to Combat Agroterrorism. Chapter 5, Pp. 57-96. In: Mauroni, A. and R. A. Norton, Editors. August 2020. Agroterrorism: National Defense Assessment, Strategies, and Capabilities. U.S. Air Force Center for Strategic Deterrence Studies, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. x + 200 pp. file:///C:/Users/user/Documents/Biosafety%20and%20Biosecurity/Agroterrorism%20book/Agroterror%20Book,%20final/Agroterror%20book%20final.pdf
I have also published the following, related articles:
January 7, 2017: “It is Alarmingly Easy for Terrorists to Contaminate our Food Supply”, New York Post.
January 2017: “How to Keep Your Family Safe from Foodborne Illness”, carried in all major markets of CBS Local.